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Event Information
Event Title:
Event Date / Time:
Event Description:
Registration opens on: March 05, 2022 @ 12:00 AM · Registration closes on: March 11, 2022 @ 12:00 AM

Match details for the monthly USPSA match at DCPA:

* 6 stages, including 1 official classifier
* ~150 round count
* Be on-site, at your designated starting range no later than 08:45
* Safety meeting and match review will be at your assigned start range with your assigned RO, starting at 08:45
* First shots at 09:00

Match fee is $20, payable at:

Registration information:

* NO ON-SITE REGISTRATION - Register through PractiScore and pay for your match fee via PayPal (https://www.paypal.me/DCPAUSPSA)
* Upon registering your registration will be held in “pending” status until we receive your match fee payment via PayPal. Once we receive your match fee payment your registration will be set to “approved/paid” and you will be allowed to self-squad via PractiScore.
* After the match fills a waitlist will be allowed to help fill slots as available as others drop out.
* IMPORTANT: When paying via PayPal please be sure to include a note in your PayPal payment that includes your name and e-mail address as you used to register in PractiScore so we can find your registration. If you are paying for someone else through your PayPal account (eg., paying for others or a group, etc.), please be sure to be very specific with the name and e-mail address(es) of who you are paying for, including yourself, so we know who is paid up. Sometimes we receive payment through PayPal from some other PayPal account name which does not match up to any registered/pending participant name. If that is the case, we cannot know who paid and your registration will remain pending.
* NON-MEMBERS: All non-member participants are required to sign a standard club, non-member waiver form once per year. Please find and download the “DCPA Hold Harmless waiver” form attached to this match, print it, sign it, and bring with you for check-in at your assigned range.
* Please do not register more than once. If you have a question about your registration, please send the DCPA match staff an e-mail with your question. Multiple registrations fill extra spots in this match and make it difficult for match staff to administer.
* Please be sure to use your correct e-mail address and name as listed in Practiscore when registering. If you entered an incorrect e-mail, please contact DCPA match staff and we will update your information for you in the Practiscore registration.
* If you are planning to shoot with other people please squad as soon as you get your approval. If you are shooting by yourself it will be helpful for everyone if you wait to squad until later in the week. DCPA match staff may adjust squadding as necessary to balance squads to provide a safe and fun match.
* If you are unable to make the match, please make sure to withdraw from the match so we can open the spot up for people on the waitlist.
Match Type:
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